100-Days Course Online
Welcome beautiful YOU!
CONGRATULATIONS for taking charge of your health! By signing up for this course, you are now a member the 100-Day Ancient Secrets Healing Family, and we want to officially welcome you.
Those who participated in the previous 100-Days Courses had such life-changing experiences – if I started to list them all here, the email would be super long. (You can see and read stories, videos, and letters from past participants at this link: https://www.ancientsecretsgratitude.com/)
Important things to know …
#1) The 100-Day Course officially began when you signed up for the course.
The first video to watch is the recorded Opening Session (Zoom Call with Dr. Clint G. Rogers). During this Zoom call, Jonathan Deliz, our tech wizard, shows you how to navigate the website – where to find the course material, the bonus material, the forum, etc.
Here is the link to the recording: https://youtu.be/8fv7oCN2924
#2) If you haven’t done so yet, please connect with Cornelia Merk at cornelia@ancientsecretsnow.com, so you can arrange a one-on-one Zoom for a detailed walk-through the course and all the important details.
How the Course Works:
- For 100 days (14 weeks) you’ll discover and apply specific ancient healing secrets in your own life, as best you can, wherever you are in the world. (You’ll select one specific area in your own life you want to apply the ancient secrets to, using yourself as a case study of what is possible during the 100 days and beyond.)
- Once every week you’ll watch a 1.5+ hour recorded training call via the online learning platform, filling in workbook pages with things you discover. (Each week you’ll learn the foundation principles behind the powerful ancient healing secrets.)
- Once a week you’ll also watch a 1.5+ hour inspiration call (either participating live on Sunday and/or you can watch a recording through the online learning platform).
- Once a week you’ll complete a challenge assignment that will help move you from knowing to doing to being (due on Thursdays, midnight your time zone).
- Once a week, you’ll also be able to watch a recorded 1-hour Q&A and Recap Call with your Course Guide (Cornelia) to review the week’s training and listen to the experience of students that took the course before you.
- You’ll come with an open heart, a curious mind, and a willingness to go beyond anything you previously thought you ‘knew’.
- You’ll have an attitude of loving yourself and others, sharing the best of who you are, and participating fully.
Besides all that, you will also
- Have access to book your appointment with an Ayushakti doctor before you start the course (See link further down or click on Week 1 Challenge Activity – Part 1 in the menu on the left side)
- Have access to various BONUS CALLS in the BONUS part of the course
- Get a sheet with new Vocabulary/Glossary for each week
- Receive easy-to-print workbooks for each week
What Will You Gain During This 100-day Training Experience?
- Knowledge and experience with ancient healing secrets that can make you more independent in helping yourself, and those you love, to experience more vibrant health, unlimited energy, and peace of mind.
- Practical tools and simple remedies which can be applied to the most common health challenges you may face.
- Life-long friendships with like-hearted people around the world who are, in these transformative times, courageously stepping into their powerful role for the deeper healing of all of humanity.
- An opportunity for MORE. (By completing this 100-day training, you’ll become qualified to go deeper into these ancient secrets through advanced hands-on training, and a system of practitioner support, offered through a 3-year advanced certification program.)
What do You Need to do Now?
- When you click on the ‘Profile’ Tab in the top menu, there is an ‘Edit profile’ button. Here you can upload a picture of you so we know who you are.
- During this 100-Day Course, you are using yourself as a ‘Case Study’.
- One of the most important questions Dr. Naram would ask everyone is, “What do you Want”? So, the first challenge activity will give you clarity on one thing you want for yourself during these 100 days, which you can use as an experiment of applying the Ancient Secrets to yourself.
- In the Course Introduction Section below, go to ‘Week 1 Challenge Activity – Part 1’, a PDF document, and follow the instructions to reflect on your current health conditions or challenges in your life.
- Choose one condition or challenge (physical, mental, or emotional) that you want to track in yourself over the period of this 100-Day course.
- Once done, book a $15 video consultation with a Vaidya (Siddha Veda Practitioner/doctor) in India ASAP through this link to discuss your specific needs/ healing protocol and find out how you can improve your condition and/or overcome the challenge in your chosen area with Ancient Secrets.
(When booking through this link, money is automatically donated to the orphan home in Nepal).
If possible, have the consultation before you begin the course, so you have the full benefit during the 100-Days to see results come from applying the Ancient Secrets to You.
For any questions, please send an email to staff@ancientsecretsnow.com
Welcome beautiful YOU!
– Have you ever wondered how “master healers” got to be master healers? Where did they start?
– Would you like to discover the ancient secrets to heal ourselves and others?
– And would you like to discover how You can become independent in achieving vibrant health, unlimited energy, and peace of mind (at any age)?
Right now, when You give to help save an orphan home in Nepal, at the same time, You’ll receive an amazing gift for You (and/or for someone you love) – exclusive access to a 100-day training program in Dr. Naram’s ancient healing secrets.

When Dr. Naram saw what the great master healer Baba Ramdas could do (the amazing healing that he could facilitate), Dr. Naram begged to learn the ancient secrets. As recorded in the book, “Ancient Secrets of a Master Healer,“ for 100 days Dr. Naram went every day to Baba Ramdas, asking to be taught, and as a result of his journey began to realize that becoming a great healer is more than just learning certain information or methodologies.
It is a way of being.
After Dr. Naram completed his entire training process, he ended up becoming one of the most legendary master healers of our time. As such, he was able to help people like Saint Mother Teresa, H.H. the Dalai Lama, Nelson Mandela, and thousands of 9-11 fire fighters.
Dr. Naram had a dream: that the ancient healing secrets would spread around the world to benefit every heart and every home on earth.
Soon people from India joined him, his wife, Dr. Smita, his son Krushna, Dr. Mehta and others; then Dr. Giovanni (from Italy), Suyogi (from Germany), Sarita (from UK), Sandhya (from Japan), Stephen Wechsler, Dr. Clint (and others from USA), and so many others from around the world.
Now you can also be a part of that dream coming true, too!

Most people come for the “fruits” of ancient healing secrets… they will visit with a Vaidya for a pulse consultation or video consultation, and then enjoy amazing results that come from following the recommendations for herbs, diet, marmaa points, and home remedies.
What if in addition to enjoying the “fruits” you also could discover the “roots” of the ancient healing secrets, and become independent in helping yourself and others?
So many people all around the world are reading the newly published book “Ancient Secrets of a Master Healer,” receiving powerful life-changing experiences, and now are asking for more.
GREAT NEWS! The next 100-day training course begins June 5th, 2021. It has only been offered once before, and may never be offered again after this. This time you will be able to access the materials in a more self-guided way, with support from a brilliant team along the way.
This introductory course is for aspiring practitioners, practicing doctors, as well as those who simply want to help themselves and those they love. It is for anyone with a burning desire to know the ancient healing secrets.
What will you gain during this 100-day training experience?
- Knowledge and experience with ancient healing secrets that can make you more independent in helping yourself, and those you love, to experience more vibrant health, unlimited energy, and peace of mind.
- Practical tools and simple remedies which can be applied to the most common health challenges you may face.
- Life-long friendships with like-hearted people around the world who are, in these transformative times, courageously stepping into their powerful role for the deeper healing of all of humanity.
- An opportunity for MORE. (By completing this 100-day training, you’ll become qualified to go deeper into these ancient secrets through advanced hands-on training, and a system of practitioner support, offered through a 3-year advanced certification program.)
Is this for You? Who is this 100 day training course for?
This experience isn’t for everyone, as it is not your typical training course. It’s not just about information — it’s about transformation. And sometimes the process of transformation can be challenging, and other times thrilling. Anyone can learn it, you just have to come with a willing mind, an open heart, and a big desire to be of service on this planet.
Who will benefit?
- Moms, Dads, Grandmas, even kids & any ordinary people who want to know how to better take care of themselves and those they love.
- Doctors, nurses, chiropractors, yoga instructors, holistic physicians, or any healthcare and wellness practitioners who want to increase their tool kit and expand their capacity as a healer.
- You, who are not practitioners YET, but feel a calling to become a healer and help others.
What’s required of you?
- You’ll be ready for awe, fun, growth and depth, within a global community of remarkable people.
- For 100 days (14 weeks) you’ll discover and apply specific ancient healing secrets in your own life, as best you can, wherever you are in the world. (You’ll select one specific area in your own life you want to apply the ancient secrets to, and use yourself as a case study of what is possible during the 100 days and beyond.)
- Once every week You’ll watch a 1.5+ hour recorded training call via the online learning platform, filling in workbook pages with things you discover. (Each week you’ll learn the foundation principles behind the powerful ancient healing secrets.)
- Once a week You’ll also participate in a 1.5+ hour inspiration call (either participating live on Sunday and/or you can watch a recording through the online learning platform).
- Once a week you’ll complete a challenge assignment that will help move you from knowing to doing to being.
- Once a week you’ll also be able join a live 1-hour Saturday call with a guided host (Cornelia) to review the week’s training (asking any questions) as well discuss in a smaller ‘Pod’ group your experience with the challenge activity from that week.
- You’ll come with an open heart, a curious mind, and a willingness to go beyond anything you previously thought you ‘knew’.
- You’ll have an attitude of loving yourself and others, sharing the best of who you are, and participating fully.
Congratulations for taking this bold step toward your best future.
What do you have to do now?
Normally this priceless course is available for a donation of $1,500 or more to the Ancient Secrets Foundation.
If you register by May 30th, You can participate for a donation of $650 or more.
We know the value of this 100-Days Course is priceless, easily worth 10 times that donation amount. So we encourage you to be generous in how much you give.
One secret Dr. Naram taught was that whatever you give in causes like this, it comes back to you 100 times the amount, and in many profound ways.
As soon as you register an email will be sent with details on how you can start this powerful transformational learning journey right away.
(Note: After May 30th, the donation amount to participate will raise to $1,500, and it will still definitely be worth every penny.)